Wha comes into your mind when you think of dogs tracking?   Maybe the images that spring to mind is police dogs searching for lost persons.  thatIn fact, tracking is an activity that... [ Read more ]


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Wha comes into your mind when you think of dogs tracking?   Maybe the images that spring to mind is police dogs searching for lost persons.  thatIn fact, tracking is an activity that allows any owner to participate and enjoy with their dog and idevelop the bond between you and your dog.

I own a German Shepherd who loves this activity and  is always sniffing the ground on walks and loves playing scent-based games,   It has also been beneficial for him as he can become reactive towards other dogs.  Tracking enabed him to focus giving him a healthy natural outlet whilst changing his emotional mindset amongst other dogs.

Tracking is where a dog, will have his nose on the ground, and  follows the scent molecules and ground disturbance  to trace the scent we are looking for.  

Dogs are asked to follow the scent molecule disturbance made by someone walking away from a marker pole to the scented item left by the handler.  The dog will use its natural ability to follow the track whilst you as the handler learn skills on laying tracks and supporting your dog with their task.  Learning to read the dog's body language as the find the scents.

All dogs can participate in tracking, giving them confidence to lead the way.  They find this highky rewarding nd calming.  

what you need:
 A rperfect fit harness which has two attachments one on the front and one on the back of the harness.  A long line which you can grip and won't cut your hands;  Food and a toy preferably start with  a red kong. 



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